The Right to Vote for Freedom
Propaganda to Further Marxism, Same Old Socialism, We will not fund…, Aaron and Ellen Sargent
In this issue…
Liberty Perspective: Propaganda to Further Marxism
Wealth Digest: Same Old Socialism
The Word: We will not fund…
Historical Hero: Aaron and Ellen Sargent
Liberty Perspective
There’s plenty of propaganda out there. Fake news organizations like CNN and MSNBC enthusiastically deceive their audience to further their perceived political goals. The same is true of the current regime in the White House. They have no problem using propaganda to shield truth or to perpetuate a lie just like a dark sunglassed dictator would overseeing a banana republic.
Joe Biden calls on reporters occasionally and then reads the answer from a teleprompter or uses his note card for the prepared question. His handlers don’t trust him enough to let him stumble through a real Q&A session. But more than that, they want to control what’s said. The regime isn’t concerned about communicating reality to the American people but rather, a different version that keeps those watching completely duped.
For example, a reporter asked President Biden about the chaos at the border and if he took responsibility. Biden said he did take responsibility, but then talked about the border agents on horses who he said “strapped” the migrants. He then promised that those despicable cowboys would pay.
He didn’t even address the actual crisis of 15,000 illegal migrants under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. The point is the viewers watching may have believed the actual crisis was the outrage over the agents on horses, faked of course. That way the regime avoids accountability and can shift blame. This propaganda is purposely scripted by those who manage both Biden and the White House press corps.
If President Trump tried to do something like that, he would be met with reporters shouting follow up questions, holding him to account. That’s not what happens with the fake press covering the Biden Regime. They are complicit in the propaganda because they’re not journalists seeking the truth, but are merely activists cooperating with the regime because they wear the same team color of blue.
The Liberty Perspective is that it’s not just propaganda to shield a bad news story from singeing Joe’s puppet strings. That would be bad enough. The Biden Regime also uses disinformation to advance a Marxist political agenda.
The media has advanced the narrative that the issue with Biden’s Build Back Better plan is the cost. But this is just a smokescreen to hide what’s in the bill, which will put the country on a socialist path with Democrats in full control.
Since the perceived problem with the bill has become its cost, the Biden team has been taking on this issue. In order to do so, however, they have to deceive everyone into believing that we can pay for it. Otherwise, reality will doom their agenda.
When addressing the cost of their $5.5 trillion dollar socialist spending bill, Joe likes to use propaganda to deceive everyday people who may not know any better. First, he told a CNN audience that his huge spending bills “in fact, reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation.” Like a good propagandist, he has to drumbeat the lies. He then talked about how it would create jobs and all that money would work in “driving down prices, not raising prices.”
He must know that inflation is from too much money in the system which means a higher demand for products than what the supply can produce. Of course he does, but he would rather deceive us to get the bill passed.
Also, Joe recently tweeted that the cost of the bill would be zero, that it wouldn’t add anything to the national debt: “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars… And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.”
That’s not some late night Twitter typo like Trump’s covfefe. How can something with a $3.5 trillion dollar price tag cost zero? Well, you just raise taxes to pay for it. What they don’t tell us is that raising taxes comes out of everyone’s pockets one way or another and it will have a negative effect on the economy, which obviously is very costly. But to propagandists, it costs nothing.
The Biden regime really wants their Twitter followers to believe such nonsense. The Regime doesn’t project any slowing down of the economy from hiking taxes. In reality, however, the bill will add many $trillions to our national debt because the tax revenue will be far lower than what they project and they can’t raise taxes enough to cover the bill anyway.
The deception doesn’t stop there. The largest bill in American history costs a mere, they claim, $3.5 trillion. But the Biden Regime lowered the ten year cost by letting some provisions of the bill expire before the full ten years is up. That way it scored a lower cost of $3.5 trillion instead of its true cost of $5.5 trillion. They know that once an entitlement is created, it will certainly get renewed later so that it won’t expire.
That means the bill is guaranteed to be $2 trillion short of revenue from this one piece of propaganda alone.
The cost, though, is just a smokescreen so we don’t discuss what the socialists will actually do to this country. Just like good Marxists, they only care about their desired destination and will use propaganda, lies and any power they have to get there.
Since they lost seats in the House, the Senate is split 50/50, and Joe ran as a moderate, the Democrats have no mandate to remake this country. Voters should be given the real choice in deciding between free market capitalism and a cradle to grave dependency on the government.
Wealth Digest: Same Old Socialism
Thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the Squad and all the commies hanging out on every street corner of the internet, socialism has become very popular among Democrats. All these lefties are working to transform America from capitalism to democratic socialism, which is really just socialism without a ruling dictator. Rest assured, the Democrats will run everything from the bottom up and call it democracy. So sleep well tonight comrade.
A recent Fox News poll revealed that Democrats have a 59% favorable opinion of socialism. Back in February 2020, Gallup found that 76% of Democrats would vote for a socialist candidate for president.
Whatever propaganda these progressives are utilizing to declare that capitalism has failed and the people should demand socialism, it is having an effect. If this favorable opinion of socialism continues to grow, we may see changes to America that we couldn’t have imagined a decade ago. But why wait for the rumblings of a revolution when there are faster ways to get there?
As I detail in Organic Wealth, democratic socialism is just as harmful to liberty and prosperity as historical socialism. The wealth pie still gets consumed. Today’s socialists argue that this new kind is different because it’s democratic and non-authoritarian. It’s these differences, they contend, that will bring about their fantasied equity for all: no rich or poor folk—just folk.
Of course, it’s all fantasy. There’ll be no Tattoo pointing at our arrival to some paradise happily exclaiming, “The plane! The plane!”
As I go into great detail in the book, democracy is at the heart of everything in democratic socialism. It sounds great until you realize that democratization includes all relevant stake holders, which will include the woke crowd who’ll seem to be everywhere like fleas nesting in some dog’s armpit.
Not only democratization of everything, but democracy will replace our electoral college. This will be the Democrats first order of business as soon as they have the power to make it happen. Then, we’ll have one party rule just like California; and with that, a turd on every sidewalk.
They are already making overtures to federalize the elections with Biden’s Build Back Better Plan. They don’t’ want the States to have fair elections any longer; those get in the way of their version of democracy. Instead, the Democrats want to rid the country of the plague of voter id requirements. They also want to mail ballots to every resident and make ballot harvesting legal so anyone can turn in other people’s ballots. Then, we’ll have democracy that actually works the way Marx envisioned it would.
As far as not being authoritarian, the woke zombies will bite society infecting their leftism into every organization that exists. That’s pretty tyrannical.
State’s rights will be replaced by an all-powerful national government run by one party, the Democrats. Do you believe that Democrats with power will be non-authoritarian? That would be like believing Tom Brady won’t throw to an open receiver in the End Zone. Of course he’ll make the pass.
Lastly, restructuring our economic system to socialism will forbid people from earning too much income or accumulating too much wealth. If any money is saved, there’ll be no investment opportunities to grow that wealth because society will own the means of production not private entities. Preventing people from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is indeed very authoritarian and will be the hallmark of democratic socialism.
The Word
Image (greyscale): 2004 Debt Clock. Lotzman Katzman, Wikimedia Commons
The current U.S. national debt sits at $28.8 trillion. That’s only $229,000 per taxpayer and only $86,000 per citizen. You’re right that you won’t be given a bill due, but that wouldn’t be such a bad idea, would it?
Can you imagine, as a taxpayer, being given $229,000 of debt that you would have to pay interest on until it was paid off? Your interest due would only be $4,580 per year at a 2% interest rate or just $88 per week. We can do that, right?
If every taxpayer were saddled with this debt and be responsible for the interest payment until the government paid off the principle, many might get mad. There would be an outcry for the government to cut spending and use any available tax revenue to get rid of the debt as soon as possible.
Okay, this would never become a thing.
Though, what if we took each person’s share of the debt and divided that by 5. Then each of us would be responsible for just $916 of interest per year. That’s much better and it might have the same effect. Just have a line item on our tax returns in the Tax Due section. I know, this still has no chance of becoming law because it’s not progressive; the rich don’t pay their fair share.
Now here’s one last idea. Have the tax due like above, but also have a tax credit of the exact same amount. So in actuality, the taxpayer owes nothing. We would keep the tax credit the exact same as the tax due amount every year until the tax due amount drops from the previous year. In that case, the tax credit amount would remain the same as the previous year and for every year afterward.
For this last idea, we couldn’t use a varying rate or population number. The amount will have to be calculated by using an unvarying fixed rate and the actual debt number. It doesn’t matter the number of taxpayers, the amount will be the same for everyone. I would also like a much higher number, say closer to $5,000. Then have it expire a decade after the debt is eliminated.
This would create the incentive for taxpayers to demand reducing the debt so that they would have a tax credit every year. The more debt that’s reduced, the higher every taxpayer’s credit would be. Perhaps many more people would demand fiscal responsibility and vote accordingly.
Debt Showdown
There’s a showdown in Spending Town. The debt ceiling needs to be raised by October 18, 2021 or the U.S. won’t be able to borrow any more money. Yes, they want to get our debt above the $30 trillion mark ASAP! The Democrats could raise it themselves by adding it to the reconciliation bill, but leadership has said they wouldn’t go that route. Instead, they want the Republicans to join them in passing the authorization for the Treasury to borrow more money.
The Republicans thus far are a hard no, even though much of our future obligation is from legislation signed by President Trump. The GOP is saying no because they don’t want to assist the Democrats in passing their $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill, which would be a big government takeover of our economy and an assault on individual liberty.
The messaging by the GOP should begin with Larry Kudlow’s sentiment. He has been saying, “Save America, kill the bill.”
When asked about raising the debt ceiling:
“We will not fund… (then take your pick)
one party rule by Democrats.”
the federalizing of our elections so Democrats can cheat.”
a socialized economy.”
the Green New Deal.”
giving citizenship to illegals.”
Or some other good point.
So, will you support raising the debt ceiling Congressperson?
We’re trying to save America. We will not fund one party rule by Democrats.
Historical Hero
Women couldn’t vote in the U.S. until 1920. It took the passage of the 19th Amendment, coincidentally beginning in 1919, to make it happen.
The Amendment was first introduced in the Senate back in 1878 by Republican Senator Aaron Sargent (CA). His sympathy for the women’s right to vote movement was probably influenced by his wife, Ellen Clark Sargent, who was a suffragette and friend of Susan B. Anthony.
The Amendment:
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
The Republicans in Congress reintroduced a women’s suffrage amendment every year for next forty years but were blocked by the Democrats. Finally in the 1918 midterms, the Republicans won a sweeping victory and control of both the House and the Senate. The House passed the Amendment in 1919 and two weeks later, the Senate did so as well.
The 19th passed the House with 91% support from Republicans, but only 59% from the minority party. It passed the Senate with 82% support from Republicans, but only 59% support from the Democrats.
The States then finished ratifying the Amendment in 1920 with the exact same wording that A. A. Sargent first introduced.
Spread the Liberty Word
Quotable Suggestions:
“The cost (of the bill)… is just a smokescreen so we don’t discuss what the socialists will actually do to this country. Just like good Marxists, they only care about their desired destination and will use propaganda, lies and any power they have to get there.”
“It (democratic socialism) sounds great until you realize that democratization includes all relevant stake holders, which will include the woke crowd who’ll seem to be everywhere like fleas nesting in some dog’s armpit.”
“The GOP is saying no (to raising the debt limit) because they don’t want to assist the Democrats in passing their $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill, which would be a big government takeover of our economy and an assault on individual liberty.”
“The 19th (women’s right to vote) passed the House with 91% support from Republicans, but only 59% from the minority party. It passed the Senate with 82% support from Republicans, but only 59% support from the Democrats.”